Long-long time ago, in the distant ancient Greek.
There lived a young student of philosophy.
He just enrolled in the famous Plato academy at Athens.
Unfortunately, Plato and Aristotle have long gone.
So...he studied philosophy with their students.
Who are his teacher.
Only one question which haunting his mind ever since his youth...
'What is the truth?'
Ever from the question, emanates others questions.
Such as....'Is there a God?' 'Does God exist?' 'Why there lies evil beneath our bossom, if there is a good God?'
et cetera...et cetera....et cetera....
His teachers were not as wise as Plato and Aristotle.
They can't give him the answers he needed.
They cause confusion in his head.
Because his question left unanswered.
At last...at the very day...He became sick.
Very...very ill.
Doctors from all the corners of the Helllenistic world were summoned.
Only to find that his sickness is uncureable.
One day....one very day in the night....a strange voice calling on his head.
It says...'leave the nation of Greece at once...go to the east where the spirituality risen..'
Next morning...He left the academy.
He travelled east...to the empire of Parthia (Persia)....crossing dreadful dessert.
At last..He reached India....The valley of Indus.
There....He found a monk meditating before the great river...which followed the way of Siddharta Gautama...
The monk said...'wash away your thought. Your mind will prevent your enlightenment. It's illusions of your own desire'
The Greek said, 'Why should I do that?'
The monk said...'enlightenment is the way of sunyata...which is the state of no-mind, although is not mindless'
The Greek was deeply impressed with monk.
He stayed in India for years studying the way of Siddharta.
He got back to Greece...only to find his nation devastated by the barbarous Roman soldiers.
He got upset......But he continued to be a lecturer at the Plato academy.....
Dear Merry..that was my story. The Greek philosopher is me......I hope you will find your prince charming..to help you reached the star......