Jumat, 29 Februari 2008
Statemen Tertulis Bersama
Seorang karib yang sudah menikah 8 tahun, memberi advis nan manis demi memprotek hal itu terjadi.
"Sebelum menikah, tanya kepada kamu dan pasanganmu mengenai apa arti pernikahan. Juga alasan kenapa dia memilihmu dan kamu memilih dia. Tulis jawaban itu di kertas, kalau perlu dibingkai. Saat ada masalah antara kalian berdua, baca kembali pernyataan itu dengan seksama."
Menurutnya, kiat itu cukup sukses ia terapkan hingga kini. Tiap ada problem yang nyaris bikin kepala pecah, frustasi, ingin meneriakkan kata "Cerai!" atau "Pisah!" atau lagu cengeng "Pulangkan saja ke rumah orangtuaku", statemen bersama tadi cukup ampuh meredam. Setidaknya mengingatkan komitmen pasangan.
Saya jadi penasaran dan ingin mencobanya. Semalam saya SMS pasangan saya, menanyakan apa definisi pernikahan baginya dan mengapa dia memilih saya. Ini jawabannya.
"Marriage is when two minds, bodies, and souls become one. It's the union of will, desire, love and thought. Marriage is a partnership, when each one must trust, give, and love one another.
Why you? You are the one that I want to spent my live with. You're the one that I trust and love more than anything in this world. You're the one that able to dive into my deepest dark soul and same me into the light of your love.
You're the one who could give enlightment to my mind with your love. You're the one that share the same dream with me. Hun, if this answer is insufficient, just let me know. I'll fix it ASAP."
Indah sekali bukan? Dan itu ia kirimkan sekitar jam 12 malam setelah mengendarai mobil Jakarta-Bandung. Di saat letih, mengantuk, ia masih menyempatkan diri membalas SMS norak saya panjang lebar dan serius sekali. Bagaimana mungkin saya tidak memilih dia jadi pasangan saya hingga akhir hayat kelak?
Wah, saya kok belum menjawab 2 pertanyaan itu ya? Pada dasarnya definisi saya tentang pernikahan nyaris sama dengan Arli.
Marriage is a great union of two different individuals who have so many things in common, so they're decide to be the partner in life, forever. In Happiness and sorrow. Yeah, forever!!
Kenapa saya memilih dia? Arli adalah lelaki paling memahami saya, kondisi, emosi, kekurangan, kelemahan saya. Status saya sebagai single parent bikin saya tak punya posisi tawar terlalu banyak terhadap kaum Adam. Dan Arli sangat memahami ini. He loves me as the way I am, and vice versa.
Kelak kami akan cetak tulisan ini dan membingkainya di dinding kamar kami untuk dibaca setiap kali ada cobaan berat melanda kebersamaan kami.
Rabu, 27 Februari 2008
Nikmati Saja
Jika dinikmati bersama
Lengkap dengan warna warninya
Tidakkah perjalanan itu menyenangkan
Selama kita bergandengan tangan
Tak peduli harus memakan waktu setahun, sewindu, seabad bahkan satu milenia?
Nikmati saja perjalanan ini, Hun
Tanpa perlu berlari terburu
Agar semua tak cepat berlalu
Rabu, 20 Februari 2008
Cancer Man & Pisces Woman
Secara astrologi barat, Cancer (Arli) dan Pisces (Merry) adalah pasangan serasi nan harmonis. So far sih kami merasakan betul hal itu. Semoga prediksi-prediksi di bawah ini selalu benar adanya. Amin!
Mushy, sexy, spiritual, raunchy, drug-drenched, sensual, hallucinatory and wildly bewitching. (Source: AquarianAge Romance )
For Cancer: You and the Fish are probably the two most sensitive signs of the zodiac. Although you can comprehend one another you can also play emotional games and hurt each other. This connection can work if you communicate openly and honestly. ( Source: Love Test )
For Pisces: You belong together. You are both sensitive, weepy and love to dwell in self-pity. This is a great match, certainly lasting, however someone negative and moody. ( Source: Love Test )
Together they can make their dreams a reality. Both are emotional and sensitive to each others needs. A harmonious match. An affectionate, sensitive couple. The two can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides the love and Cancer provides the protection and together they feel secure. Both are responsive sexually. Cancer must take the lead but Pisces will willingly follow. A wonderful match. Cancer devotes itself exclusively to insecure Pisces, and , in turn, Pisces idolized Cancer. A very compatible pair. ( Source: Astrology Fun )
Cancer Man & Pisces Woman
The Pisces lady will melt in his warmth and he will drown himself in her considerable charms. One of the very best combinations. ( Source: AquarianAge Romance )
This is tied with Scorpio as the number-one soulmate match for you. Together, a Pisces girl and a Cancer boy add up to a deeply romantic pair. The love, passion and tenderness that can happen in this relationship are so incredibly, wonderfully romantic that it’s almost unreal. You will be very attracted to each other physically, so the kissing will be sweet and sparkling. He will also see all of your hidden, special qualities and he will idolize you and make you feel like the most special girl on earth. Together, you can tune out the world and create a dreamy love nest for two. This is a perfect emotional and romantic match for you. A soulmate love match. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )
Sumber: http://www.dressking.com/horoscope/Pisces-Cancer.htm
Astrological Compatibility Pisces with Cancer
There's comfort in having someone in your life who shares the same worries and concerns, and that's exactly the case when Pisces girl joins up with Cancer guy. The only potential problem? You both have a tendency to dwell on the negative when things aren't perfect, and someone needs to lighten the mood. As long as you can do that, this relationship can be smooth and wonderful. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )
Cancer and Pisces is an affectionate, sensitive couple who will help foster each other's ego. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer but Cancer is an imaginative worker-and together they can turn dreams into reality. Pisces provides romance in Cancer's life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces needs. Both are emotional, intensely devoted, sensitive to each other's moods. They'll hit it off in the boudoir, for both are responsive sexually. Cancer has to take the lead but Pisces is a very willing, erotic follower. A very harmonious match.
Imaginative, Sensitive, Compassionate, Kind, Selfless, Unworldly, Intuitive and Sympathetic Emotional, Loving, Intuitive, Imaginative, Shrewd, Cautious, Protective and Sympathetic Escapist And Idealistic, Secretive And Vague, Weak-Willed And Easily Led Changeable, Moody, Overemotional, Touchy, Clinging and Unable To Let Go
Pisceans are spiritual beings ruled by their feelings. Their journey through life will involve much soul searching and retreat into that hazy world which exists between the real and the unreal. While they are very happy traveling the paths of their inner world, the Piscean compassion and need to help others will ensure they return to the real world regularly.
Pisceans tend to go where life takes them. If they do not like their current direction, they simply retreat into themselves until their direction changes. One of the great dangers for the Pisceans is they sometimes become so involved in their dreams and fantasies they find it difficult to separate fact from fantasy. Another danger is that their docile nature makes it easy for others to take advantage of them.
Pisceans must not allow themselves to become detached from those around them, because they will become depressed, pessimistic and languid. The gentle Pisceans are usually far too shy to tout their talents, which in the arts may be formidable. Their compassion and empathy seems to be without bounds, which makes them a great ally for anyone. The Cancer’s first love is its home and family. They love to nurture those around them. No sacrifice is too large to ensure their home is secure and their loved ones are safe and happy. They are very kind and sharing. Cancers are also very moody, and often retreat into themselves to regenerate, or sometimes sulk. The quickest way for them to rebound from such moments is to do what they do best: nurture others.
Cancers can be very iron-willed and like to have things their way. They are very sensitive to slights and hurt easily. When pained Cancers will retreat into themselves and brood. Although generally they do not like confrontation, Cancers are not above seeking revenge against those that hurt them. Cancers are compassionate and freely show their affection for others. They will set their problems aside to assist others in solving theirs. Being extremely intuitive, they often know what is upsetting someone without being told. They are great communicators and can often help those in trouble with just a few words.
Overall, Cancers are quite gregarious. They love to socialize with their friends and family. Their need to care for those in their circle makes them an asset to any family.
Sumber: http://www.starastrologer.com/compatibility_pisces_cancer.html
Jumat, 15 Februari 2008
Serendipity of Arli and Me
Apakah bunga itu dipilih
Berdasarkan takdir
Atau kebetulan saja
Atau karena bunga itu memenuhi semua impiannya
Adakah yang menggerakkan sayap si kupu-kupu untuk memilih si bunga
Atau hanya serba kebetulan saja?
Valentine bukan hari istimewa bagi kami, sebab setiap hari adalah hari kasih sayang. Apalagi kemarin kami sama-sama sibuk.Tapi ada kejadian unik bertepatan dengan Valentine kemarin.
Saya ada janji dengan seorang teman lelaki di daerah Sarinah, Thamrin. Awalnya ingin di Cafe Cartel saja, sebab itu sudah lewat jam lunch, jadi sebaiknya ngopi saja. Ternyata mendadak saya kangen dengan batagor di Bakso Karapitan. Jadi janjiannya dipindah ke situ.
Sekitar satu jam lebih kami membahas soal proyek buku, bahu saya ditepuk orang dari belakang. Saat menoleh, saya luar biasa kaget sebab Arli duduk tepat di belakang saya. Ia bersama teman-temannya ternyata juga terkejut bersua saya secara tak disengaja.
Jika kejadiannya di Depok, tempat kami biasa hang out, rasanya tidak akan aneh. Sebab memang itu letak kampus Arli dan rumahku. Tapi kami bertemu di Jakarta, padahal sama-sama tidak janjian atau cerita akan ke lokasi itu.
"Jodoh..namanya jodoh," ujar temanku.
Aku hanya tertawa dan membatin semoga dia benar.
Ternyata sebenarnya Arli dan teman-temannya juga tidak berencana makan di situ. Awalnya mereka mau ke Marinara, tapi teman-teman Arli tidak setuju. Akhirnya mereka memutuskan ke Bakso Karapitan. Dan...hoopla! Di situlah kami bertemu.
Dan di hari Valentine itu kami dipertemukan secara tidak sengaja.
Hmmm..serendipity lain adalah...
Huruf depan nama Ayah Arli adalah A, ibunya M. Ayah saya juga A, ibu saya juga M. Adik-adik Arli huruf depan namanya M, adik saya A. Dan nama Arli jelas A, nama saya jelas sudah M.
Saya dan adiknya Arli sama-sama jurnalis. Arli dan adik saya sama-sama dosen. Dan kami sama-sama berasal dari orang tua yang berbeda agama.
Rabu, 06 Februari 2008
Romantisme dan Genggaman Tangan
Ya, dia sangat romantis. Sebab dia kerap menggenggam tangan saya sambil berkata "I Love You" dan memandangi mata saya. Sudah pasti saya akan membalasnya. Atau saya mengirimkan SMS dengan kata-kata mesra nan indah. Atau juga puisi melalui email, baik karangan sendiri maupun nukilan puisi penyair lain.
Lelaki yang menyukai film drama romantis juga bisa dihitung dengan jari. Sejak dulu saya kerap bertemu lelaki yang hobinya nonton film action dar der dor atau horor, jarang yang suka genre romance comedy atau drama, sesuai selera saya. Tapi akhirnya hari ini saya menemukannya dan tengah tak tahan untuk menanti film drama atau romance di layar perak.
Kemarin sore pun kamu bicara dari hati ke hari tentang banyak hal. Sebuah hal yang jarang atau bahkan tak pernah saya lakukan dengan mantan saya dulu. Semoga romantisme ini terus langgeng sampai rambut kami memutih kelak. Sebab saya dengar banyak pasangan yang sudah tidak romantis lagi saat sudah bersama sekian belas atau puluh tahun.
Bahkan kami membahas segala planning ke masa depan tentang studi, karir, pernikahan, dan seterusnya hingga detail terkecil. Suatu terobosan bagi saya yang selama ini memutuskan segalanya sendirian. Memang harus ada komunikasi dan pengertian sama lain ketika kita tak lagi berjalan sendiri. Dan itu terasa sangat indah.
Kami bukan anak ABG atau usia 20s yang masih mencari-cari jati diri dan arah jalan. Kami sudah dewasa, usia dimana perjalanan harus dirancang dengan matang jika tak ingin salah arah atau mengalami kecelakaan fatal. Berbekal peta, kompas, rencanya perjalanan, kami berjalan bersama sambil menikmati romantisme itu. Saya percaya, Tuhan menjadikan segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya. Amin!